четверг, 25 ноября 2010 г.

Top news christmas day legend

christmas day legend

One of the greatest highlights of Christmas is Santa Claus whose legend turned him into a magical kind-hearted, noble, and generous good fairy Godfather today! Santa was originally a Bishop who after his death became the legendary Saint Nicholas. Originally Saint Nicholas was the Christian Bishop of Myra today known as Turkey . In 340AD after his death in Myra it is said that sailors stole his remains and took them to Bari, Italy where he remains today in the beautiful Basilica of Saint Nicholas specially built to house him. St Nicholas became so popular, loved and adored by the people that he was honored as the patron Saint of just about everything! Known by his red cape, flowing white beard and Bishop's miter he also become the patron Saint: In other lands he was patron of merchants, judges, paupers and just about everything else you can think of! How did his name transform from Saint Nicholas to Santa Claus? Hence the Anglican name Santa Claus emerged which is now the most popular name he is known by today! As Santa is said to have come from the word Saint and Claus is an abbreviation for the name Nicholas in Germany. When first arrived in America Santa didn't look like the figure we know today. Santa's back in the old days were usually dressed in blue, green or black with no red and white we see today in sight! The evolution of the image of Santa Claus continued in 1823 with the publication of the famous poem by Clement C Moore A Visit From Saint Nicholas . In England by the mid 19th century Santa was a fat, red faced, jovial character who wore glasses and a crown of holly on his head. Dr Clement C Moore an Episcopal Minister in 1822 described Santa Claus as a benevolent plump jolly man in a red suit. He originally wrote the famous poem A Visit from Saint Nicholas for his 3 daughters after an inspirational moonlight sleigh ride home from the market after buying a Christmas turkey. This poem helped to popularize the idea of Santa Claus visiting on Christmas Eve.
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