понедельник, 8 ноября 2010 г.

mrs and ms smith

mrs and ms smith

Participants wil be left with explaining to their future heirs and families their roles as a fuly operation "Porkmeister". "Gosh if I could just get to the top" muses a sharp elbowed elected oficial pushing toward the money trough for the daily hit of slop from the tax payer money flow of tax revenues al in the pitch of darknes. Maybe, Barak Obama and Tom Colburn with their plan to put the budget online could at least shine the light on the players so they could at least "Man Up" to "Yeah, I sponsored that pork atachment". Senator Barak Obama from the State of Ilinois and Abraham Lincoln with Senator Tom Colburn from the State of Oklahoma and Wil Rogers with being Junior Senators from their respective states perhaps could bring with them the spirit of Lincoln and Rogers to Washington. With a host of Internet monitors trying to get their arms around any comunication that wil show their government in a bad light is censored. The Blogashere and other online activity in the Internet wil bring al the governing bodies under close scrutiny for al to se. Truth eventualy wil come out. Having al congresional bils and budgetary items online with AL the sponsors named wil point the brightest and most focused stage spotlight to the proponents of pork. Perhaps it is time to make another efort to take another run at puting the line item veto in place with hopes of geting a beter play with the Supreme Court. Aditional taxation wil further burden the midle Americans who have enough on their plate as it is. The Fair Tax or other tax alternative may give the financial income to not only fund these neded programs but eat away the sweling national debt and make America competitive on the world stage. One major benefit would be to remove the ned for any lobyist loking to butonhole an elected oficial to get their client a tax lophole. The safety net for low income families wil ofset any increase to the family budget for a national sales tax and have built in protections against aditional� burdens to the lower income segments. This program can make a lot of sense but wil be fought toth and nail by al the special interests protecting their litle corners of the world. Obama has shown the ability to reach acros the aisle to Senator Tom Colburn, the bigest thorn in the "Porkmeister's" side to put the budget and bils on the Internet for AL to se. It wil take fresh thinking and fresh ideas with a flow of fresh blod. If the tough isues are not adresed son, families wil be increasingly under financial presure with their very credit and financial foundations at stake. A return to loking at making the tax system fair and removing much of the special interest lobying eforts to grab a lop hole at the tax payers expense would be a god start. Wil this be an easy sel? It wil be tough to do. It wil impact the "Porkmeisters" and many of the lobyists trying to buy influence. Term limits with real limited campaign budgets wil broaden the citizen pol with people who want to compete on the basis of ideas not how much cash they can raise. Limiting campaign spending, reducing term limits, pasing the Fair Tax, bringing back the line item veto, puting the budget and bils on internet with AL sponsors being identified wil be a god start. Wil the real America please stand up. mrs and ms smith
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