понедельник, 9 августа 2010 г.

Treating Yeast Infection Through Candidiasis Diet & How To Get Rid ...

Candida is a group of yeasts that normally live on the skin and in the moist areas of the body such as the mouth, digestive tract, urinary tract and the genital area. Candida infections occur when the yeasts living in a particular area of the body outnumber the good bacteria living in the same region. Candida diet is designed for people suffering from yeast infections. The low carbohydrate diet of people with Candida yeast infections should primarily comprise of non-starchy vegetables, lean meat, turkey, chicken, fish and nuts. Avoid yeasts Food products with any form of yeast are eliminated from the Candida diet. During the detox phase of the diet, the dieter should avoid all forms of sugar substances, including fruit sugars, artificial sweeteners, milk, dairy products, gluten, and all forms of wheat products, foods containing yeast, caffeine, food additives, fatty foods and alcohol.

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