понедельник, 23 августа 2010 г.

black mole in Northridge

black mole in Northridge

41 Responses to ̴FarmVile Unreleased White Apalosa, Mole, Gold Trufle, & Black Trufle̵ » The gold & black trufles lok more like gold nugets and coal. Let me gues they wil be in the mystery game,for 20 fv cash a shot….and the gold and black trufle which are stupid in my opinion ,wil be ̴comon̵ and thats most likely what a person wil get 6 out 7 times shoting a dart. the white Apalosa loks more like a paint than a apalosa, stil wil like to have it for my stables. I bet the trufles wil be harvested from the pigs, there is a pig sty in the works, wil probably work like the cop. Does anyone know if FV is going to change the adult animals?I am filed with black horses which is quite lame,it would be beter if it had the construct of the new horses,and the same color,like a black apalosa ,holstein, which by the way is a los,because growing up an 80 coin profit calf in an 12 coins cow,gives no profit ,and al the others but the cream mini. It would be great if foals would give a horse of the same construct as their parent.The col ones apalosa &CO ,percheron ones,ponies,lame ones,clydesdales,minis and GOD HEAR THIS! I've ben in horses al my life and that is not a desirable color for an ap. THE COLOUR OF THE HORSE DOESNT MATER ITS IMAGINITIVE 3.IVE BEN ROUND HORSES AL MY LIFE AND OWN A FEW…….I THINK ITS A COL COLOUR BIG DEAL IF ITS A BIT UNUSUAL ITS A GAME HAHAHAH! I love the new apalosa, but am SICK of most of my foals turning into black horses…my foals don't get put in the nursery anymore.BTW, those nurseries are realy lame! That is one fine loking horse. The black and gold trufles wil probably be found by some new breds of pig, They wil probably realese some new pig breds with the new sty. black mole black mole in Northridge

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