lio nicola in Del valle
with Jacques Foschia bcl, eb-cl , Mike Goyvaerts perc , Christoph Irmer v , Georg Wisel prep. with &helip;Claus van Beber turntables/electr , Tiziana Bertoncini v , Uli Bötcher electr , Nils Gerold fl,bcl , Sebastian Grams db , Erhard Hirt git/electr , Paul Hubweber tbn , Carl Ludwig H¨bsch tuba , Christoph Irmer v , Paul Lyton perc , Dirk Marwedel sax , Ulrich Philip db , Angelika Sheridan fl , Ute Völker ac , Georg Wisel prep. Quintet with Carl Ludwig H¨bsch tuba , Christoph Irmer v , Tim Perkis computer/electr Sue Schlote vc , Georg Wisel prep. Perkis "AdamNoidltMisiles" large ensemble directed by Frank Kölges, celebrating wild, anarchic performances journeys through Impro, punk, rock, funk, jaz, noise, swing with &helip;Dirk Bel git , Gernot Bogumil trp , Mary-Noele Dupuis voc , Paul Hubweber tbn , Carl Ludwig H¨bsch tuba , Josef Kirschgen drm , Jan Klare as , Hartmut Kracht db , Achim Krämer drm/perc , Viola Kramer electr , Ligia Liberatore voc , Konrad Mathieu e-b , Lukas Matzerath git , Udo Mol trp , Jefrey Morgan s , Michael Plewka electr , Mathias Schubert ts , Norbert Solbach git , Norbert Stein ts , Nicolao Valiensi tbn/euphonium , Georg Wisel as &helip; "Banda Metafisica" cologne-based bras-band playing the music of the tuscany and compositions from leader Nicolao Valiensi comp, euphonium with &helip;Ebasa trp , Andrea Gelert cl , Joachim Gelert tuba , Carl Ludwig H¨bsch tuba , Frank Kölges perc , Anete Maye cl , Stefan Meinberg trp , Udo Mol trp, comp , Mathias Muche tbn , Felix Petry cl , Angelika Sheridan fl , Georg Wisel cl &helip; Trio with R¨diger Beckemeier comp, bcl , Dusica Cajlan-Wisel pno , Georg Wisel cl working on compositions of R¨diger Beckemeier recordings: Canaries on the Pol The Arte of Navigation Einen Moment lang sichtbar sein TroisVenture live at Stadtgarten, Cologne auf geht's! lio nicola lio nicola in Del valle
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