вторник, 6 июля 2010 г.

Chimaeras are tapered fishes with large pectoral an.... speci snout;

Chimaeras are tapered fishes with large pectoral and pelvic fins, large eyes, and two dorsal fins, the first preceded by a sharp spine. The species are placed in three families: (including the species called rabbit fish), characterized by a rounded or cone-shaped snout; Callorhinchidae ( elephant fishes), with an unusual, hoe-shaped, flexible snout; and Rhinochimaeridae (long-nosed chimaeras), with an extended, pointed snout. Found in temperate to cold waters of all oceans, chimaeras range from rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters to oceanic depths of 2,500 metres (8,200 feet) or more. APA style: chimaera.

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